Thursday, February 2, 2012

Message from Archangel Haniel. Believe in yourself!

I received this message last night. Haniel's energy was very strong and made my whole body hot. Haniel seemed quite concerned for us and as you will read, was quite direct with her message. Haniel is very loving, compassionate and kind but also direct, to the point.  When I was receiving this message, I had a very strong feeling that this message would resonate with one or two people in particular. You will know who you are.
  It's interesting that BDivine's (Devine Miracles) latest video was about confidence (check it out here ). Haniel's message is, I guess, an extension of this. I know that there have been quite a few suicides of late and perhaps this is regarding this.
 Thankyou all for reading these messages, I know the angels will be so happy that their messages are getting out there.

"Beloved Ones. It is I, Archangel Haniel. Belief in yourselves seems to be lacking somewhat at this time and causing ill health and worse. Why is this so? We angels believe in you, as does God. We understand that things on Earth are changing and affecting you, but these Earth changes are good! 
  You believe in others, such as parents, friends, your partners, children, spiritual leaders and God, yet you doubt yourselves. Do you not know that you are an extension of God? Do you not know that He made you perfectly? God believes in YOU! Others believe in you! Why do you not believe in you? This makes no sense. Please start to believe in yourselves! You all know what you are doing, yet you doubt yourselves, often in anything you say or do, This must stop. If you start believing in yourselves, amazing and miraculous things start to happen! Doors open, confidence raises, you become clearer in seeing your abilities and what your future may be and you LOVE more! The world is your oyster, so to speak, and every single one of you are important and play a vital role on this Earth!
  Start to trust all your abilities, all your talents and LISTEN to your intuition and TRUST this! people often shrug off things they are thinking, instead of listening to their thoughts. Often people think that what their thoughts are telling them will be too difficult, or 'hard'. Let yourself be guided! Nothing is too hard! You CAN do this! We angels are always here to help you with everything you need- you need only to ask. We believe that you can do anything! Believe that you can! Imagine yourself doing these 'hard' things. Nothing that God gives you is too hard. Believe that you are given repetative thoughts for a reason and you WILL get through anything. You are never alone! Tell yourself you can do anything! Believe this, for it is true! We are here to help you.

Your's in love and Light,

Haniel " (Glory of God)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! Thank you for sharing your lovely channeled messages! You are wonderful, and you are very loved!!
