Friday, January 27, 2012

Message from Archangel Raphael- Healing with your Higher-Self

"Dear Ones, As it seems that you have all been feeling low of late, please remember to self-heal. This is achieved by meditating on your higher-self. See that your higher-self is happy and in control of your thoughts. See yourself happy and healthy. Ask me to help you heal your life. To see your higher-self, imagine looking into a mirror. This mirror is a reflection of you, but is your higher-self. Now see this reflection in a happy and healthy state. See that your higher-self is positive and stress-free. Notice how radiant your higher-self is! This is YOU! Imagine yourself living your dream. You see? You ARE living your dream. Your higher-self can make this happen, as it KNOWS what to do next. You will know. TRUST these thoughts!
   You will find yourself smiling! Anything can be asked. Know that we angels are here helping you also! Ask us! We are just a thought away. Give thanks to your higher-self and don't forget to LOVE your higher-self, for this is YOU! Love yourselves, as this is when true healing occurs!

In love and health,


Obviously, feeling low is happening for many, many people at the moment. I know, myself I haven't been on an even keel for a few months. So much happening to us and the Earth for the past few months. It's hard for us to adapt to the new frequencies and those of the Earth. Spirit knows this and they are trying to help us all with these adjustments.
 I am so thankful to AA Raphael for this technique! I will be doing this later tonight (when children are settled) and see how we go! I love reading about techniques, as we then have many options and go with what feels right at that time.
 I would love to hear about what you have been feeling yourself and anything that has helped you through.

Thankyou reading :D

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