Monday, January 25, 2016

Guidance for 25 January 2016

Hello Friends!

I hope you are feeling well and happy! Do you feel a little better now that Mercury in Retrograde has ended? It was a tough one! Boy, let's hope they aren't all like that this year! haha

Today's guidance:
It's decision time! No more toing and froing, If you feel the decision is too hard to make, pray! Praying may help to give you some clarity and to instill into you that you are not alone.
Using your intuition will give you some direction and feeling on right and not-right. Learn to trust your inner guidance as she will steer you in the right direction every time.
Try not to be wishy-washy with your dreams. It is important to really focus and be very clear on what you want, this way your dreams may come to fruition a lot faster :D

Have a WONDERFUL day!
I love you!!!

Bel xx <3
P.S. Happy Australia Day to all my fellow Aussie friends for tomorrow!!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Daily Guidance 11 January 2016

Blessings, Dear Souls!
I hope today is kind to you!
Today's Angel Guidance (I pulled two cards):
This seems to continue from Saturday's guidance!
Quan Yin is asking us to let go that of which no longer serves us and let go all frustrations, anger and forcing of things to happen. By pushing and forcing, this is actually using negative energy and will push against the natural flow and stall or even stop the outcome you desire.
We are also asked to let go of unforgiveness. It is healthy to forgive others, including yourself. It is unhealthy to hold on to bitterness and anger. Try to have compassion for all people involved in a situation and avoid arguments, as this is the ego. Call on Quan Yin for help in forgiveness and compassion for others and to help your needs to be met <3heart emoticon
The next card is a beautiful compliment to the previous smile emoticon (Don't you just love the way spirit always delivers the guidance we need and support to to back it up?!)
Maitraya is giving us the push to see the JOY in everything we do! He says that by finding joy and following it's path, you will always receive the right outcome. Joy has the highest of all vibrations out of all emotions. Therefore, when you feel the joy in all things and have a sense of humour, you will find any "bumps" in the road a lot smoother.
In relationships, joy keeps things fresh, exciting and new. In your hobbies, joy you feel will keep your creative juices flowing and give you energy. Joy is the key to healing ourselves and others, bringing joy to others will also bring joy to you!
Maitraya tells me that JOY is the main foundation of MANIFESTING! Keep joy the top emotion when meditating on your manifestation <3heart emoticon
What fantastic guidance we have for the next 24hrs! Let go and see the joy and humour in all things!
Have a JOYFUL day!!!
I love you!!
Bel xx <3heart emoticon

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Daily Guidance 9 January 2016

Hello Gorgeous Ones!
I hope you have a fantastic weekend! <3
Today's Angel Guidance:
It appears that your plans have been thwart by constant dead-ends, negative feedback and frustration. You must take a review of your current plans to see if/what changes are necessary to see it through. You may learn in time, that past disappointments are now an opportunity to grow and prosper!
You always like to see the good in people and this is a good thing, but, there are people in your circle that may have a secret agenda. Use your intuition to see the red flag warnings and you will see their true intentions and know who is not being truthful in their intentions or lack of honesty. By acknowledging that not everyone is honest with their intentions, you may be able to avoid disappointments in the future.
You may also feel like being your only company right now. Don't worry, it will pass and you can use this time to reflect and meditate and reconnect with God and your Higher Self <3heart emoticon
Have a wonderful day!
I love you!!
Bel xx <3heart emoticon

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Hello my wonderful friends!
I AM so GRATEFUL for each one of you! I thank you for reading my posts heart emoticon
Today's Angel Guidance:
It is time to release the situation and surrender your attachment to it's outcome. This situation is not serving you. You have been spending too much time worrying about the outcome and ways of changing it. Also the people involved may be negative and draining your energy. Remove any negativities you can. It is time to ask for assistance from God, your angels, guides or even trusted friends.
The approach you have taken has not been working the way you had thought, so perhaps it would be best to take a look at a more positive, uplifting approach. Try again with a new prospective and see what a difference this will make.
Archangel Michael is ready to assist you in removing unwanted toxic and negative energy from your life and situation heart emoticon
Have a positive day!
I love you!!
Bel xx heart emoticon

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Good afternoon/morning beautiful souls!
A very Happy New Year to you! I do hope you are well and happy <3heart emoticon
Today's Angel Guidance:
We are asked to look at the bigger implications of our actions. Perhaps we need to be more aware of what we say and what we do, remembering that our actions and words have an affect on others.
Your intuition will be needed as you decide whether to take the traditional, trusted and known method or the think-outside-the-box way. 
You may feel guided to join a spiritual institution or school, to give you support to further your gifts and knowledge. This will be a fantastic opportunity to meet new people who are also learning, growing and thinking the way you do.
It is a time to reflect on what means the most to you, what you feel is "good" and "bad", right and wrong, and how these affect your life and the world. You will need to use your intuition to clear out old and toxic habits, things, people and re-evaluate relationships.
There is CHANGE in the air, and this is brought about by your curiosity as to what the meaning of your life is, what the world is really about and how do you fit in? It's a time of deep contemplation and reflection. It's a good thing! Go with it and call upon Sandalphon to help <3heart emoticon

Have a meaningful day!
I love you!!
Bel xx <3heart emoticon