Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The "bad people" that visit our 8yr old son- Cleansing the house!

Blessings beautiful souls! 
I just wanted to share something with you smile emoticon
Today I cleansed our home with a White Sage smudge stick and Reiki. Our 8yr old son, Noah, is very Clairvoyant (and showing signs of Mediumship) and easily sees angels and spirits, but a couple of weeks ago he stepped out of his bedroom to go to the bathroom and as he looked towards the kitchen, he saw a VERY bright light with a man's face. He could only see the bust of this man but in actual human-man size. He was so shocked by it that he stepped backwards into his door frame. He turned and went down into his sister's room (as she heard him get up out of bed and was standing at her doorway) and she too, saw this white figure! Noah looked back at it and it was fading away. It has really frightened him and he has been unable to sleep properly ever since. I had to sleep with him for the first two nights after this. He now sleeps with 'fairy lights' in his room.
He was also 'visited' by some "bad people" after he had awoken from nightmares a couple of nights ago, and I was up with him for most of the night. All but one went (or was taken away by Archangel Michael, rather) and this one, was very insistent on staying! It was finally taken away but Noah was really unsettled by this and couldn't sleep- worst thing was, he had his first day of school that next morning and we were both exhausted.
I decided that the house needed a very thorough cleansing, so that's what I have done. The house smells like white sage smoke but the energy is a thousand times LIGHTER! My husband and my two eldest girls can feel this lightness too. I highly recommend using a smudge stick- it really does make an incredible difference to the energies. I also called in Archangel Michael and used Reiki symbols and energy to help.
I strongly recommend you cleanse your home/office/working space as it makes such a difference, especially when working with Spirit.

Much love, light and many blessings!

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