Tuesday, July 29, 2014


A channelled message from Archangel Jophiel.

"Do you know how perfect you are? Well, you ARE! Every, single, one of you, are divinely perfect. There can be no other YOU. You are the only one of you and you were planned and perfected by your Creator. You are kindly and lovingly asked that you accept and LOVE yourself, just as your Creator (God) loves you. Self-love and acceptance are a very important part of your life and happiness. You see, to have this love of one's-self, means you love your Creator or God and is a prophecy of His love of you! Every one of you are LOVED by God, as if you were His only child. Remember, to love yourself, is NOT the same as being vain. In fact, it the opposite. Vanity is the EGO saying that you are better or more physically 'beautiful' than somebody else. Loving yourself is living without your ego but having respect for yourself. When we love ourselves, we are more able to find love in EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. We really learn a lot about ourselves when we ALLOW ourselves to love ourselves. Deeply. When this occurs, you will feel a shift within yourself. You will see everything and everyone in a new light. We see you as only love. If everyone could have more self-love, the world would be much more at peace. It starts with YOU.
You are all so beautiful and we ask that you see the beauty in all things and each other. It is sometimes hard to take a compliment, but remember that by simply saying, "Thankyou.", you are acknowledging another's love and respect for you and God's love for you. You are not being vain by accepting a compliment! Sometimes, people are 'sent' to you to say to you what you need to hear at that time. Just as you compliment someone with loving intent, that may be just what that person needs to hear right at that moment and vice-versa.
Please work on finding love for yourselves and watch the changes unfold.
With love and respect,
Jophiel xxx" (she blows three kisses to us)

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